October Week 5

In English 20 we will be viewing the animated film “Coraline” based on Neil Gaiman’s book of the same title. Using the film as the foundation of of a literary analysis you will be asked to collaborate with your colleagues in order to complete a series of questions regarding plot elements, symbolism, and a general reaction to the narrative. Please turn in your group’s completed exam by Friday 10/31. If you missed the exam please view the film on your own and complete the attached series of questions.

For those interested in further study, you will find a psychoanalytic interpretation of the film here http://www.briancollinson.ca/index.php/2009/04/coraline-the-real-the-ideal-and-the-substance-of-our-lives.html

English 10 Class time will be dedicated to the creation of an argumentative essay either for or against the advice offered in Steve Jobs’ 2005 commencement speech. Please bring rough drafts to class so we can do a group edit of your work. An edited version of the paper will be submitted for a grade.

Initially we will focus on peer editing a review:


A criticism of the Steve Jobs approach http://waitbutwhy.com/2013/09/why-generation-y-yuppies-are-unhappy.html

A rebuttal to that criticism http://on.ted.com/LSmith

Communication 7 we will continue our work on understanding the ten fallacies covered in class. Later in the week I will evaluate your understanding in the form of an in class test covering various errors in reasoning.  You will find the Fallacy Quiz here. Please print it out and give it to me by Monday 11/03. I will not accept it after that date.


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